

Orchid Island!?

After visiting the Volcano National Park, we stopped off at a local orchid and anthuriam nursery run by a Japanese Hawaiian family. There were plenty of various kinds of orchids in the nursery. I saw many of them for the first time. The driver/guide told us that the Big Island is also known as the Orchid Isle! I am not sure if what he told me is right or not, though.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Aren't these places just wonderful! The beauty of these flowers is overwhelming...That bottom photo is beautiful...lovely capture.

    Yes, the Big Island's official nickname is the "Orchid Isle" because they produce the largest number of orchids in the state of Hawaii. But...there are plenty of orchids on all of the islands. Kauai is nicknamed the "Garden Isle" because of the lush foliage and flowers...but, once again, all of the islands have breathtaking gardens as well. I LOVE that orchid! Wowsers!
