

Pleasant Surprise

The photo is part of a post card which I received the day before yesterday. It says that I got a silver award in a monthly photo contest last month. Actually, I got a golden award in the monthly contest last July but I did not think that I could have another chance to get a place again. It was really a pleasant surprise for me because I had been sick in bed since last Monday. Now I am feeling invigorated though I lost weight and have increased wrinkles on my face mainly because of the high fever.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Congratulations, my friend! I am so glad I have many samples of your hand-writing because they are now my autographs from you!!! I say, keep submitting those photos...the BIG one is just on the horizon, I am sure!

    Come visit us...we could fatten you up and puff out any new wrinkles in NO time! Julie, Chase and Bert are sick right now too. I hope Baby Noah escapes it...he's just too little to get sick. Worry worry worry...my middle name!
