

One of the Molokai Beaches

It seems that there are many beautiful beaches on Molokai. This beach is one of them, which we visited on our first day there. Children were playing in the clean water and on the beautiful beach while their parents were relaxing in the shade. It was a very peaceful scene. The island seen over the horizon is Lanai. We did not see scenes like this neither on Hawaii nor on Oahu. We enjoyed the untouched tranquility.

1 件のコメント:

  1. We see beautiful sights like this, of Lanai and Molokai, from the shores of Maui. Your photographs are really making me yearn for the islands! You captured the true essence of light and color across that water. The ever present puffy white clouds are as pretty as pretty can be. Jerry and I love these little beaches throughout the islands. Sometimes they are challenging to get to, though. Walks across black lava, or tangled jungles...it's all part of the fun!
    I LOVE these photos!
