

Waikiki Beach

On our way from Ala Moana Center, we stopped at Waikiki Beach. There were many people who were enjoying swimming, surfing, dancing and so on. Visiting this place was one of my long cherished dreams, because Hawaii was like a dream land for us Japanese in the 60's and 70's who spent our younger days in the post war years when Japan was rebuilding its nation. Waikiki Beach is Hawaii itself which I have pictured in my mind for long. I was moved at the familiar scenery of white sand and blue sky of Waikiki Beach with Diamond Head in the background which I had often seen on TV, magazines, travel brochuers and so forth.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I love the first photo! You captured the essence of Waikiki with the ocean, surfboard, carefree people and the wonderful Diamond Head in the background. We hiked to the top of Diamond Head some years ago...what a view when Waikiki lights up at dusk!
