

Maonalua Gardens Park

Moanalua Gardens Park is one of the most popular tourist spots for Japanense vistors on Oahu island because of the famous Monkey Pod tree in the park. We were not an exception, either. We had lunch there while looking at the large MonkeyPod tree, with a huge umbrella-shaped canopy, in the middle of the grassy park. It looked like a great place to have a picnic lunch. There were many picnickers besides us.
Just for your information, one of the Japanese electronics manufacturers, Hitachi, Ltd. has used it as a corporate symbol since 1973. We have seen its photo on their TV commercials for many years. But I was surprised to know that they would pay US$400,000 annually to Damon Estate until 2016 in exchange for using the tree image for promotional rights.

1 件のコメント:

  1. So many years ago I took my mother to this place to see a hula competition. We spent nearly the entire day enjoying music and various styles of hula...this brings back memories, thank-you.
