

From Oahu to Molokai

After staying overnight on Oahu Island, we flew to Molokai Island where there are only about 7000 residents and very very few sightseeing spots. We all wanted to experience unspoiled nature there and meet local Hawaiian people, because it is said that Waikiki is like a little Tokyo where there are many tourists from Japan. On the other hand, Mololai is the most Hawaiian island. The first photo is an aerial view of the Waikiki area, and the second one is of Molokai Island.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Hello, Ken,
    I have been following and enjoying your blog for about a year. I am so interested that you are now on Moloka'i. I spent three months there last fall and it was amazing. I look so forward to seeing your photos from this beautiful little island paradise. aloha, debby

  2. I haven't been to Moloka'i or Lana'i. They are very sleepy little islands with amazing beauty. We must venture from our familiar places and venture to the remoteness here. I love how you captured a corner of Diamond Head in the top photo! It's so fun to gaze into the crater from the air!
