

The Visit of My Granddaughter

The day before yesterday, our son returned with his family. My wife and I had been looking forward to seeing our eleven-month old granddaughter since my son let us know in August that he would visit us with his family. We have seen her via Skype from time to time, but it was the first meeting in person with her in five months since we saw her in Tokyo last March. We were surprised to see that she has changed a lot. She now can pull herself up by holding on to something and crawl around in the room on all fours. She is just adorable! She is wearing a muumuu which I bought on my trip to Hawaii.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Oh, this is so sweet! And, you picked the right size muumuu for her! Good job, Grandpa!
    She is such a beautiful baby...I love this photo!
