

Memorial Event in Hinagu, Yatsushiro City

On September 5, I took about a two-hour walk in Hinagu of Yatsushiro City, where a memorial event for Santoka, a well-known vagrant poet(1882-1940), was being held. I walked around the narrow streets with about twenty people including two volunteer guides who disguised themselves as Santoka. It was the first time for me to join the event even though it has been held for several years. While strolling, I enjoyed a lot of haiku written on the rectangular wooden boards which were hung everywhere in Hinagu. I got a little excited when we visited Oriya, an old Japanese-style inn where Santoka had stayed for three nights in 1930. The guides told us that it is the only inn which has been preserved in almost the same condition as when Santoka stayed there. I thought that there were many objects worth shooting there. The old streets and houses, some of which are from the Meiji Era, reminded me of my good old childhood days. I took the first picture that day and sent it to the local newspaper later. It appeared in the morning paper of September 11. (second photo)

2 件のコメント:

  1. You took Sally and me there. Are these people standing by the fountain where the children were playing? I remember all the stones with Haiku...you read them to us. We went into an inn there and had tea. I want to look at my photos and video of that afternoon, now. Precious memories...

  2. ...and, congratulations for even another of your photos being published in the newspaper! Way to go, Kenkichi!
