These photos were taken at the Punalu Black Sand Beach on the Big Island. The black sand is lava broken up into small pieces and scattered around on the beach. I was very lucky, because I was able to see three sea turtles resting on the beach. There was a sign near the turtles. It said, "Stay 15 feet away including taking pictures. Do not touch turtles!" Surprisingly it is also written in Japanese language. I was the only Japanese on the tour that day, but it seems that many Japanese tourists visit here.
We have spent time on this beach in the past. In fact, I took photos of turtles here too. I probably sent them to you in an email some time ago. You are creating fond memories of this place so far out in the Pacific Ocean. I am surprised that you are so surprised to find Japanese language on the islands. There are many Japanese living there, especially in Honolulu and also on the island of Kauai. Julie's wedding coordinator is Japanese and she has lived in Lihue, Kauai for many years. She arranges many weddings there for Japanese who come to Hawaii for their weddings. I like how you captured people in these photos...doing what people do here, and that is, walking around in the sand and rocks oftentimes barefoot. OUCH!