

Rope- Jumping Practice

I got a call from one of my former colleagues , who is American. He is back at his wife's home with his family to spend the New Year holidays. When I visited him, his two little daughters were playing in front of the house. Actually, his three-year-old daughter was practicing jumping rope. And her sister, who is seven, was coaching her. They have grown adorable since I saw them last. After talking to them for a while, I photographed them having fun while practicing together. But later I found that the jumping girl's image was blurred. My camera setting was wrong. I should have photographed it with the aperture priority.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I like the blur! I think the blurry motion and very focused background is excellent. They are adorable...is this Matt's family? I think you captured these cute little girls and their action beautifully!
